. . . .tRust nO oNe.
maU cOntacT?

tHru tHe yeARs

now everybody's already in their respective training (or as i might say job or work or whatever u wanna call it)  Hani's currently at a company (somewhere near KLCC) workin' as  a Customer Service Executive there..Feena's going to start training as a bank clerk at EON Bank in Klang and Bee is going to start training as an IT coordinator or somethin at a company in Bukit Raja..and all of them (including me!) are just at 20 years of age..i'm so proud and happy for all  of them... 

i hope all of them will meet success in the future and achieve their goals..hmm..as of me..i'm a temporary receptionist at corporate company under TNB known as TNEC..TNB Engineering and Consultancy.Its located in Petaling Jaya at the Amcorp Tower and it's actually above Amcorp Mall!

aah..the pleasure of choosing an office site located just above a shopping haven..haven ke Amcorp Mall? at  least it has a wide variety of food joints that you can choose..plus its all you can eat. there's mcDonald's, KFC, San Francissco Coffee and even Starbucks Coffee to name a few..

i'm very delighted to work here and i hope i'm gonna get promoted to be in the IT department or so..  :) 


doNt beLieve iT evEnthough sOme mAy bE TruE
Does your name begin with: Z
You are very romantic but show feels that to love means to suffer.
You wind up serving your mate & attracting people who have unusual
trouble. You see yourself as a lover's saviour.
Turn ons
Stability and dependability characterize Taurus. They like people
who can blend and grow with them. If you have a Taurus partner you
should appreciate all things bright and beautiful. They have an inherent
artistic sense and are fond of color and music. Judge the life with them
from purely materialistic point of view. Enjoy everything luxurious that
money can provide. Enjoy good food (better if you can cook to please
them) and good drinks with them.

Turn offs
Taurus is very slow to anger (in fact you may spend the whole life
with them and still no spark) but you should not push your luck too
much. Being unreasonable or aggressive with them may get you into trouble.
Do not press him into a corner and if you do be prepared for a violent
rage. Taurus is capable of violent outbursts though this is on very
rare occasions. If you have a roving eye forget it because Taurus have can
take the cake when it comes to being possessive. They can be
suffocating when being possessive about you.

hOp !n